vg == **vg** is a **v**ery **g**ood vector-geometry and linear-algebra toolbelt. Motivation ---------- Linear algebra provides a powerful toolset for a wide range of problems, including geometric problems, which are the focus of this library. Though some programmers need to know the math that powers these solutions, often understanding the abstractions is enough. Furthermore, the abstractions express these operations in highly readable forms which clearly communicate the programmer's intention, regardless of the reader's math background. The goal of vg is to help Python programmers leverage the power of linear algebra to carry out vector-geometry operations. It produces code which is easy to write, understand, and maintain. [NumPy][] is powerful – and also worth learning! However it’s easy to get slowed down by technical concerns like broadcasting and indexing, even when working on basic geometric operations. vg is friendlier: it's NumPy for humans. It checks that your inputs are structured correctly for the narrower use case of 3D geometry, and then it “just works.” For example, `vg.euclidean_distance()` is invoked the same for two stacks of points, a stack and a point, or a simple pair of points. In the name of readability, efficiency is not compromised. You'll find these operations as suited to production code as one-off scripts. If you find anything is dramatically slower than a lower-level equivalent, please let us know so we can fix it! [numpy]: Functions --------- All functions are optionally vectorized, meaning they accept single inputs and stacks of inputs interchangeably. They return The Right Thing – a single result or a stack of results – without the need to reshape inputs or outputs. With the power of NumPy, the vectorized functions are fast. ```eval_rst .. automodule:: vg :members: .. automodule:: vg.matrix :members: .. automodule:: vg.shape :members: ``` Constants --------- ```eval_rst .. py:currentmodule:: vg .. autodata:: basis :annotation: .. py:currentmodule:: vg.basis .. autodata:: x .. autodata:: neg_x .. autodata:: y .. autodata:: neg_y .. autodata:: z .. autodata:: neg_z ``` Style guide ----------- Use the named secondary arguments. They tend to make the code more readable: import vg result = vg.proj(v1, onto=v2) Design principles ----------------- Linear algebra is useful and it doesn't have to be dificult to use. With the power of abstractions, simple operations can be made simple, without poring through lecture slides, textbooks, inscrutable Stack Overflow answers, or dense NumPy docs. Code that uses linear algebra and geometric transformation should be readable like English, without compromising efficiency. These common operations should be abstracted for a few reasons: 1. If a developer is not programming linalg every day, they might forget the underlying formula. These forms are easier to remember and more easily referenced. 2. These forms tend to be self-documenting in a way that the NumPy forms are not. If a developer is not programming linalg every day, this will again come in handy. 3. These implementations are more robust. They automatically inspect `ndim` on their arguments, so they work equally well if the argument is a vector or a stack of vectors. They are more careful about checking edge cases like a zero norm or zero cross product and returning a correct result or raising an appropriate error. Versioning ---------- This library adheres to [Semantic Versioning][semver]. [semver]: